In light of the situation in Israel due to the war, many people want to fly to Israel as soon as possible, and when it comes to flying animals there is a need for advance preparation for the animals in terms of vaccinations and approvals for the relevant destination.

Due to the time limit, we receive non-stop inquiries from people who want to fly as soon as possible, but due to the animal requirements procedures, this is often not possible.
In this article we have created a list of destinations and their departure requirements at the same time as the relevant schedule that the requirements can be fulfilled, but it must be taken into account that even if the import/export documents are ready there is still the issue of flight coordination, and most airlines do not allow animals to be taken, and those that do provide a very limited number of animals on the flight, therefore it must be taken into account that the initial flight time may only be after a few weeks, at the same time as a free place for animals.
Currently there is no easing procedure on the matter, or an emergency procedure for flying animals and the detailed schedule is the minimum preparation time!
Below are the goal requirements and relevant schedules:
USA\Canada - these are the fastest destinations for departure - advance preparation time if there is no valid rabies and an international chip - one and a half months, if there is a valid rabies between A week to two weeks, but the difficulty in these destinations is that there are normal flight routes to live, which can delay the flight time by several days/weeks.
Thailand - Preparation time in advance without a valid rabies vaccine and an international chip - month - with a valid rabies vaccine it can be done within a week or two< /p>
Philippines- Preparation time in advance without a valid rabies vaccine and an international chip- one and a half - with a valid rabies vaccine it can be done within a week or two. >
Mexico- preparation time in advance without a valid rabies vaccine and an international chip- month - with a valid rabies vaccine it can be done within a week or two, But the difficulty with this destination is that there are no normal flight routes to live, which could delay the flight time by several days/weeks.
Russia- Preparation time in advance without a valid rabies vaccine and an international chip- month - with a valid rabies vaccine it can be done within a week or two.
All European countries including the countries of the European Union - preparation time without a valid rabies vaccine - 4 months - with a valid rabies vaccine it can be done within 3 months< /strong>.
If the schedule is understood and you would like us to provide you flight package service, At the beginning of the procedure we will check the existing paperwork for correctness and validity, and according to this we will check exit requirements, crossing requirements, and entry requirements to the destination, and we will provide you with a detailed guide on what must be done at each stage of all aspects of the flight, full training on the topic of vaccinations and approvals that must be done with the personal veterinarian, cage coordination Flying according to the place of the animal in the flight, training on the equipment of the cage and getting used to it to create as positive a flight experience as possible, and coordinating a normal flight for the animal, making sure that there is an area in the belly of the plane intended for living with oxygen regulation, temperature and control, and free space, at the same time as answering all the steps and common questions in the preliminary procedure and the flight
For more information go to the following link https://www.petstravel
If the animal cannot fly with you, it will be possible to provide, if necessary, a flight service for the animal to your destination in the airborne escort who will accompany the animal from Israel to the destination country after performing all the necessary operations:
In the preliminary procedure
We will coordinate what has been done, and according to that we will coordinate the other actions that must be performed to prepare the animal for flight.
According to the entry requirements and the customer's requirements, a proper flight path with a high-quality area in the belly of the plane for flying the animals/reserving a place in the passenger cabin for small animals will be drawn.
We will confirm the PNR about three days before the flight to ensure the animal's place on the flight.
at take off
Pick up the animal outside the airport about 3 hours before departure. Making a check for the animal.
Payment for port taxes, customs and the flight ticket for the animal.
Dogs should only be walked about an hour before the flight.
Preparation and equipment of the flight cage. Delivery of the animal to be loaded into the belly of the plane about an hour before takeoff.
on landing
Arriving at the customs area to present documents and release the animal.
Duty payment for the animal.
Coordinating a meeting place.
Exit to the reception area to hand over the animal to its owner or a representative on his behalf.
Airline escort service varies according to the prices of plane tickets and from Israel to Europe the estimated cost will be between $1600-2500 and from Israel to the USA" in Canada the estimated cost will be between $2000-3500
To receive a quote, fill in the details in the following link: https://www.petstravel
If necessary, it will be possible to provide the entire preliminary preparation service if the owner is not in Israel, including going to the personal veterinarian for vaccinations and approvals, transportation to the airport, purchase of flight cages, and an air escort service if necessary.
Currently there are countries such as Portugal, France and England that have removed the waiting procedures for the antibody tests and allow animals to be brought in faster, but on the Israeli side the procedures have not yet been changed in front of the Ministry of Agriculture's export department and therefore the procedures have not yet entered Attack, we press the Ministry of Agriculture several times a day to speed up the issue and allow people to fly faster but as of now there is still no answer and official export procedure. We will continue to update
Update for 22.10.2023:
A summary import procedure has been issued from Israel to Portugal only, currently there is no need for a 90-day waiting period from the rabies antibody test, only a two-week home quarantine after all the requirements and procedures, please do not export an animal without the basic requirements, because it He will have to enter a government quarantine for a period of several weeks where there are no stresses, treatment or humane procedures for animals, so government quarantine should be avoided in any way possible!